
Showing posts from 2015

PeopleSoft Integration Broker - Support for JSON

Does Oracle/PeopleSoft Integration Broker have support for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) message format? In PeopleTools 8.40-8.51, Integration Broker does not provide a way via the framework to provide and consume JSON. In PeopleTools 8.52, the REST architecture makes it easier to support formats such as JSON, but still no framework generator/consumer. Since PeopleTools 8.53 and on (8.54, ...) JSON is produced and consumed via Peoplesoft Documents and is seamlessly used within a REST Service.

Why PeopleSoft 9.2 - Part 1

With a plethora of new features and technology updates, PeopleSoft 9.2 + PeopleTools 8.54 will certainly bring in a lot of value to your PeopleSoft investment. Let’s discuss top 9.2 advantages one by one (as simple as possible) PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM):  We have all heard about it but not too sure what it does. PUM, simply put, is a tool that equips you with selective adoption capabilities that PeopleSoft provides. It is a tool that allows the PeopleSoft customers to pick and choose only the updates and bug fixes that they require. It’s almost like shopping online where you can search, analyze, review and select the product that you like, add to your shopping cart and check out. And the exciting part is the frequent delivery of PUM images, which are released every 3 months or so. Now, you do not have to wait for years before bringing in a new feature, enhancement or fixes to your PeopleSoft environment. It’s Simple, It’s flexible and it saves you a ...

Select Right ERP System

Few Tips for Selecting the Right ERP System for a Company Investing in an ERP platform is one of the most critical decisions your business will make. Implementations can take years, and hundreds of thousands of dollars to complete. Critical business functions will likely be supported by this platform for many years to come. You’ll need to train, or hire resources who can support the platform. So it’s critical that you select a system that best fits your business’s needs. But, with so many options available on the market today, it can be challenging to narrow down the field and select the right ERP solution for your business. By considering some of the factors below during your evaluation, you will increase the likelihood that you and your team will select the right ERP platform for your company. ·          Cloud or internal architecture ERP.  The cloud is hot right now, but it may not be the right solution for you. Consider...

Exporting Record data using File Layout Object & Application Engine (Sample Outbound AE Program)

(Sample Outbound AE Program) 1) Create File Layout based on the Record being exported 2) Selecting the desired format; XML, Fixed or CSV. 3)  Create Application Engine Program with one PeopleCode step   4) Single Record import PeopleCode.   Replace FileLayout , Record., GetRow with Desired FLO and Record rem ***************************************************************** rem * Method:               WriteRowSet - CSV File                                  * rem * Description:       Single Record                                  ...

Web Services Security be Used For a Synchronous Service Operation From PeopleSoft to 3rd Party

To send a synchronous service operation from PeopleSoft to 3rd party using Web Services (WS) Security with encryption and a digital signature. Username Token can be a userid with/without password. Userid can be external userid, which is defined on the Node Definition. It can be plain / clear-text meaning without being digitally signed and/or encrypted.   In PT 8.48-8.49, Web Services (WS) Security works with   request   service operations only. Types of service operation                       WS Security              Asynchronous one-way inbound Request Asynchronous one-way outbound Request Synchronous outbound Request only. The response returned cannot have WSS applied Synchronous...

You are not authorized to update the definition XYZ (12,1)

This error is due to Definition Security not being defined correctly. To resolve this error you will need to do the following steps: 1) Find the primary permission list of the user having the error by running the following SQL in your SQL tool. select OPRCLASS from PSOPRDEFN WHERE OPRID = 'whatever user is having the issue' 2) Log into AppDesigner.  Navigate to "Go -> Definition Security".  In "Definition Security" window, navigate to "File -> Open -> Permission List".  Click on the OPRID's primary permission list that we found from above SQL.  Highlight the "All Definitions" on right columns and click on "left arrow".  Navigate to "File -> Save". 3) Clear client cache and try to run the DataMover script again.

How to migrate nVision scopes from one environment to another?

nVision scopes are stored in the table PS_NVS_SCOPE in database. Please copy the PS_NVS_SCOPE table records from the old enviroment to the new environment. Application Designer or Data Mover are the best methods to copy records from one environment to another.

Bootstrap vs User Mode

If you use the access ID that you specified during the database configuration to log on, you log on to Data Mover in “bootstrap mode.” When you start Data Mover in bootstrap mode, the word “BootStrap” appears in the Data Mover status bar. If you use a valid PeopleSoft Operator ID, such as PS for Human Capital Management or VP1 for Financials/Supply Chain Management, you log on in “user mode.” In this mode, no designation appears in the Data Mover status bar.

Could not Create Shared Cache Error

When attempting to access Data Mover to run a script, an error was generated: Could not Create Shared Cache A cache directory, C:\PS\CACHE\ by default, is needed and should have Write Permission for PeopleTools. Action:  Create the cache directory and grant Write Permission for the user that runs Data Mover.

Datamover Script: Export and Import PeopleSoft Data

There are quite a few techniques available in PeopleSoft to export and import the table from the database, one of which is Datamover. Data Mover Export set log C:\EXPORT.log;                                                  — Place where log file is maintained set output C:\JOBtabledmp.dat;                             — This is the place where the exported data is stored. export JOB;                                    ...

Peoplesoft Application Engine: Application Library

 Most Application Engine programs are defined to be executable. An executable program has a main entry point in its definition: the Section MAIN. This defines the entry point so whatever method we choose to invoke the program, such as command line or Process Scheduler, can initiate the program. However, in some cases, we may want a program to only contain a collection, or "library," of common routines (in the form of "callable" Sections) that we do not want to run as a standalone program. When sections are defined as "Public," other programs can call the Sections, or routines, that exist in the "library" at runtime. Because this type of Program is not designed to run as a stand-alone program, it does not require the MAIN Section, or initial entry point. Setting the Application Library option renames or removes any existing MAIN Section. Note: Application Libraries are the appropriate spot to store a collection of shared Application Engine pro...

Best For Career- Peoplesoft/Workdays or any other ERP

I know lot of articles, discussion around Pros and Cons of Cloud and Legacy - features, functionalities, upgrade cost, UI, etc - Nevertheless, this all from the vendors perspective for the clients who would be using these applications. As per my understanding for all business, Scenarios cannot be same, every business is unique, and so would be the solution. There would be not any ideal solution, it all depends on what's the business of the client and lot other things to be considered for selecting the right application. As a Technical Consultant it will be always confusing to choose the right product for the right Carrier. Even I used ask myself these questions and other people also, I do have these much years of experience in Peoplesoft, is it good to move to Workday or Sucessfactors?  Learning is good; it's an never ending/on- going process, but one cannot learn each and everything. Try to understand basic functionalities of the Business Process which is going to be same...

Can Microsoft Office Communicator be Enabled for Chat in Peoplesoft?

No.  Microsoft Office Communicator with Multichannel Framework up to current PeopleTools, ie. PT8.53 is not supported. In PT8.51, in MCF you can enable instant messaging for : GTALK SAMETIME XMPP YAHOO In PT8.52, PT8.53 and PT8.54, you can enable instant messaging for : GTALK SAMETIME XMPP YAHOO MSN

Sending Multiple attachment using MCF Send mail method

Below is the sample code to send multiple attachment in mail using MCF Send() mail method. Local any &FromURL = "record://PV_ATT_DB_SRV/" ; Local string &FILENAME; Local Rowset &rwln1 = CreateRowset(Record.PV_ATTACHMENTS); Local SQL &Sql1 = CreateSQL( "select attachsysfilename from PS_PV_ATTACHMENTS a,ps_SPF_RESUME_ATT b where a.scm_attach_id=b.scm_attach_id and b.person_id=:1" , "000000000000025" , &FILENAME); While &Sql1.Fetch(&FILENAME) &attach = create PT_MCF_MAIL:MCFBodyPart(); Local string &ToFile = "C:/user/" | &FILENAME; Local any &errorCode = GetAttachment(&FromURL, &FILENAME, &ToFile); If &i = 1 Then &multiattach = CreateArray(&attach); &multiattach [&i] = &attach; Else &multiattach [&i] = &attach; End-If; &multiattach [&i].SetAttachmentContent(&ToFile, %FilePath_Absolute, &FILENAME,...

Peoplesoft Navigation SQL

Below is the smart SQL to find out the Navigation for the given Component. (This Works only on Oracle DB) Enter the Component Name in the below SQL SELECT DISTINCT rtrim(reverse (sys_connect_by_path(reverse (portal_label), ' > ')), ' > ') path FROM SYSADM.PSPRSMDEFN WHERE portal_name = 'EMPLOYEE'   AND portal_prntobjname = 'PORTAL_ROOT_OBJECT' START WITH portal_uri_seg2 = ‘<COMPONENT Name>’ CONNECT BY   PRIOR portal_prntobjname = portal_objname

PeopleSoft 9.2 May Be the Last Upgrade You Will Ever Need

Did you hear the BIG news in the world of PeopleSoft?  During a May 2014 PeopleSoft Talk, Marc Weintraub, PeopleSoft Senior Director, interviewed Paco Aubrejuan, Sr VP PeopleSoft Development, who highlighted two main aspects of PeopleSoft’s newest Delivery Model.  Before version 9.2, PeopleSoft delivered a new release; offering tax updates, minor product enhancements and fixing bugs using software bundles delivered every 10 - 12 weeks or so. During the same time, PeopleSoft developers were working on a NEW release and thus working on two code lines (actually 3 since they were supporting multiple previous versions and developing on the next version). It took years to get the major product enhancements to market and often years more for the average customer to perform an expensive application upgrade. Most PeopleSoft customers admit that they are not on the current version of the product. The PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM) offered with release 9.2 allows the ability to deliver...

Install Peoplesoft on your Laptop

Most of the Peoplesoft developers love to install PS on their own Machine (Desktop/Laptop). Till some time back it is very difficult (becoz of Huge Space and other reasons) Recently, Oracle has come up with Virtual Machine which makes the life very simpler. You just need to import the virtual machine in the Virtual Box. This is certainly very fast way to get PeopleSoft working on your machine but if you run into some issues, this is difficult to debug. For a single application as HCM you need a minimum of 4 GB of ram of which you can assign 2.5 to 3 GB to the virtual machine. The ideal RAM allotted to virtual machine should be 6 GB . In order to run the virtual machine, you need to have  VirtualBox  running. If you do not have it installed yet, download and install it. The PUM home page consists links of all the applications: HCM, ELM, FSCM and CRM. You may click on the application you want to install. Below is the PUM Home page https://support....

Some Basic Pointers for ExcelToCI

Some Basic Pointers for ExcelToCI: Not all CIs are suitable for ExcelToCI. The SOAPTOCI Peoplecode sets the CI properties in the same order in which they appear in Application Designer.  This will be a problem in cases where properties need to be set out of sequence in order for Peoplecode validations to work correctly. Avoid using large complex CIs.  However, if you elect to use them, send them in smaller chunks to avoid running into problems such as timeouts, and to improve the application server throughput. Ensure that you use a copy of the ExcelToCI workbook found in <PS_HOME>\excel for the PeopleTools release you’re on.  Also, make sure you don’t open multiple Excel workbooks at the same time, either multiple ExcelToCI workbooks or a combination of ExcelToCI workbooks and other Excel workbooks to avoid seeing strange behavior.  Note the following about the Excel spreadshe...

Can PeopleSoft decrypt data, which is encrypted at MSS 2005 db level??

The encryption and decryption takes place at the database level, and we do not need to write any special code or sql in our application to encrypt or decrypt the data when we do a INSERT, UPDATE or SELECT on that data.  The only thing that must happen is that when a table is created, it must use the ENCRYPT keyword in the table DDL for the column that is to be encrypted (PS: when app designer or maintenance/upgrades generates alter or create scripts, that these scripts will have to be manually edited to add the support for SQL Server encryption.). Once we do that, we do not have to worry about how to retrieve or place the encrypted data in the database - the encryption and decryption procedure is done by the database.  The PeopleSoft application does not need to know that a field is encrypted and nor does the application need to know how to retrieve the data and decrypt it.

Enabling both the Developer tab and VB macros when using Excel 2007

Below are instructions on enabling both the Developer tab and VB macros when using Excel 2007.  Additionally, attached is a Word document with screenshots showing the same basic steps, providing the reader with a better visual representation of what the steps look like. A. Enabling the Developer Menu in Microsoft Excel 2007 - The Developer menu in Microsoft Excel contains options to work with Microsoft Visual Basic, macros, sheet properties, and so on. In Microsoft Excel 2007 the Developer menu is not automatically enabled and does not appear on the menu ribbon in the default view of the Excel workspace. In prior versions of Microsoft Excel supported for use with the ExcelToCI utility, and the Developer menu appears by default. To use the Excel to Component Interface utility you need access to some of the features accessed through the Developer menu, and therefore you must enable the menu. Once enabled, the Developer menu appears on the far right on the menu ribbon. To ena...

Application Engine Using Exec() Function in PeopleCode Step Fails with Think-Time Error

There are Restrictions on Use of the Exec() Funtion in PeopleCode Events - and there is also a Restriction in Application Engine (AE) programs.  This is based on whether the execute of the external program is Synchronous, or Asynchronous.   If Asynchronous execution is selected - the execution is not 'tied' directly to the continuing execution of the running AE program, so no Think-time error results from this choice. With Synchronous execution it is different - the AE program will wait for the exectution of the command before continuing with the current process.  In order for this to work with no error - a Commit has to happen before the Exec takes place. If the AE was written to be Restartable, then just make sure that the previous step has been committed before the step with the Exec.  And if the AE has the Disable Restart checked, then a CommitWork() will need to be inserted into the PeopleCode step, so that this Commit takes place. Once a commit has bee...

How and When Temporary Tables are Re-used and Removed?

How and when Temporary Tables are Re-used Concurrent Runs of the same Application Engine (AE) program will have different Parameters and each will use it's own respective set of Dedicated Temporary Tables  - If a dedicated set is available. If no dedicated set of temp tables are available, then the Base Table is used, as long as the Program Properties are set to 'Continue', not 'Abort' in Application Designer for the specific AE program. Any AE that goes No Success keeps it's dedicated set of Tempoary Tables locked and unavailable for subsequent use until the original AE has either been Restarted and has run to Success, or if the row is deleted from Process Monitor. If the AE program was run outside of the Process Scheduler at command prompt, then the navigation of; PeopleTools, Application Engine, Manage Abends can be used to free up (delete) the set of dedicated temp tables. How to manually remove Temporary Tables Occasionally it is not poss...

Unable To Open Files With The Extension .7z

Make sure that web.xml file has a line for .7z file extension with correct mime type as below.. Mime Types:, application/stuffit, application/x-7z-compressed

Delete a field that is auto-populated using PTF

How to delete a field that is auto-populated using PTF? Use #NOTHING on that field.

PeopleSoft Test Framework Security


When CI Structure is Changed whether i Need to update CI based Web Service's WSDL?

When CI Structure is Changed whether i Need to update CI based Web Service's WSDL? Yes. you need to recreate WSDL if CI structure is changed. Please follow the below instructions: 1. Navigate in PIA PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Utilities > Service Administration > WSDL. 2. Delete the old WSDL. 3. Navigate in PIA PeopleTools> Integration Broker > Web Services > Provide Web Service. 4. Do the steps to provide the CI based Web Service again.

Debug Log for CI-Based Web Service

How to get a Debug Log Generated for a CI-Based Web Service? In the SOAP request message you are posting into PeopleSoft do the following. 1. Add debug="Y" inside the Action tag (CREATE, UPDATE or UPDATEDATA) of the request message as shown below.   <CREATE__CompIntfc__MY_TEST_CI debug="Y">     <SETID>BMOBK</SETID>     2. Do this for each transaction for which you want logging. 3. The log file will be in the format SOAPTOCIxxx.log, where xxx is a timestamp value. This file is typically placed in the app server's files directory (<PS_HOME>\appserv\<MY_APP_SERVER_DOMAIN>\files - for example, C:\pt853\appserv\E910G20P\files).  However, it may be in another directory such as temp (or tmp).  So, searching for the file will be necessary if it is not in either of these two directories. This file shows the execution path of the SOAPTOCI PeopleCode and is useful for debugging purposes.

SendMail() vs MCFOutBoundEmail() Emailing Functions

1.        Is the MCFOutBoundEmail() function better than SendMail() function? As of PT 8.49.13, PeopleSoft began using javamail via MultiChannel Framework (MCF) to send emails, as javamail is fully SMTP Protocol compliant to RFC 821/822. The MCFOutBoundEmail() function is fully compliant, whereas SendMail() function uses PeopleSoft's basesmtp.cpp, and has been found to not be fully compliant with SMTP Protocol RFC 821/822. Therefore, the recommendation is to replace use of SendMail, with MCFOutBoundEmail function. 2.        How does this function send email? is it SMTP? Yes, MCFOutBoundEmail sends email fully compliant to Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 3.        Where is SMTP Server & Port configured? MCFOutBoundEmail() function uses the SMTP section of the Application Server's psappsrv.cfg file, and Process Scheduler's SMTP section of the psprcs.cfg file, just as the...