Install Peoplesoft on your Laptop

Most of the Peoplesoft developers love to install PS on their own Machine (Desktop/Laptop). Till some time back it is very difficult (becoz of Huge Space and other reasons)

Recently, Oracle has come up with Virtual Machine which makes the life very simpler. You just need to import the virtual machine in the Virtual Box. This is certainly very fast way to get PeopleSoft working on your machine but if you run into some issues, this is difficult to debug.

For a single application as HCM you need a minimum of 4 GB of ram of which you can assign 2.5 to 3 GB to the virtual machine. The ideal RAM allotted to virtual machine should be 6 GB .

In order to run the virtual machine, you need to have VirtualBox running. If you do not have it installed yet, download and install it.

The PUM home page consists links of all the applications: HCM, ELM, FSCM and CRM. You may click on the application you want to install.

Below is the PUM Home page

Use the following documentation to install your Oracle VM VirtualBox for use with the PeopleSoft HCM Update Image.


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