How to have the SOAPTOCI Log Generated in a Specific Location?

One of the ways you can set up the environment so the SOAPTOCI log is generated in a specific location on the application server machine is as follows.

1. Create an environment variable named PS_FILEDIR that points to the location where you want the SOAPTOCI logs. On Windows it would be a System environment variable. For UNIX the syntax would be different, and you can define it in the script that executes when you enter the shell (such as


NOTE: PS_FILEDIR environment variable is sometimes used as the location by other applications. So, make sure that the location suits the various applications being used.

2. After setting the environment variable restart the app server using psadmin. However, prior to executing psadmin verify that the PS_FILEDIR environment variable exists.

3. Test an upload from ExcelToCI, and confirm it works as expected.


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