Java API - Unable to get the Component Interface

Performing the GET call on the  component interface using a Java client fails, despite all security being set correctly. In this case you would be able to do GET  using the CI tester in three tier, which indicates that security is not the issue. 

The problem here was that the package structure of the API classes got changed from PeopleSoft.Generated.CompInfc to myNewpackage.Test.peoplesoft. 

If you change the package structure of the API classes in anyway, e.g., you create different folder names other than what is generated during the API build, the Session object which controls all access, security, and errorLoging, will be unable to find the CI interfaces. The underlying JOA layer expects the following package structure:"PeopleSoft.Generated". The PeopleSoft Package structure should not be altered in either the directory structure or through the use of the package statement in the java classes.


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