Application Engine Using Exec() Function in PeopleCode Step Fails with Think-Time Error

There are Restrictions on Use of the Exec() Funtion in PeopleCode Events - and there is also a Restriction in Application Engine (AE) programs.  This is based on whether the execute of the external program is Synchronous, or Asynchronous.  

If Asynchronous execution is selected - the execution is not 'tied' directly to the continuing execution of the running AE program, so no Think-time error results from this choice.

With Synchronous execution it is different - the AE program will wait for the exectution of the command before continuing with the current process.  In order for this to work with no error - a Commit has to happen before the Exec takes place.

If the AE was written to be Restartable, then just make sure that the previous step has been committed before the step with the Exec.  And if the AE has the Disable Restart checked, then a CommitWork() will need to be inserted into the PeopleCode step, so that this Commit takes place.

Once a commit has been done, the Synchronous Exec will be allowed to process.


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