Where does log file sits after clicking Generatelog checkbox in Exceltoci

The Exceltocixxx.log and SOAPTOCIxxx.log are generated if he selects the Generate Log checkbox in ExcelToCI.

i. SOAPTOCIxxx.log – By default this log is created in the app server's "files" directory (below the app server domain), but it may be in another location on the application server machine. The xxx is the timestamp appended to the file name. This log shows the PeopleCode execution path in the SOAPTOCI application package
ii. ExcelToCIxxx.log – By default this log is created in user’s Temp directory. The xxx is the timestamp appended to the file name. To determine the location where your Temp directory is mapped to do the following. On the client machine’s desktop right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select Properties. Then select the “Advanced” tab and click on “Environment Variables”. Locate the Temp (or tmp) variable mappings (it may be C:\Temp or some other location). This is normally where the ExcelToCIxxx log is placed.


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