What does 'Cycles=' refer to within a PeopleCode Trace?

When capturing a PeopleCode trace of a user action, a logged message containing 'Cycles=' can be seen at the end of each PeopleCode event. What does this 'Cycles=' variable refer to?


PSAPPSRV.459188 1-413095 08.39.48 0.000128 <<< end-ext Nest=01 SavePunchGrid FUNCLIB_TL_PNCH.TR_PUNCH_FUNC.FieldFormula Dur=6.206963 CPU=4.770000 Cycles=65086

The 'Cycles=' variable is a counter for loops around the PeopleCode interpreter. It is a measure of how much PeopleCode the program is executing. This Cycles count is only updated when tracing or debugging has been turned on.

In a general sense a high 'Cycles=' value in a PC trace, can be used as a simple guide in determining how expensive that PeopleCode event is. A high Cycles count would likely indicate a good place to start, when tuning a poorly performing user request.


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