View XML, Resubmit and Cancel links Grayed out on Service Operation Monitor

The user who is signed in and wanting to View XML, Edit XML, Download XML, Resubmit, or Cancel a service operation must have full access to that service operation. This can be set in either of two places.

1- Navigate to PeopleTools>Integration Broker>Integration Setup>Service Operation. Enter the service operation in question. On that component there is a Service Operation Security link. Click on that. Enter a role permission list that is associated with the userid that needs full access to service operation in the monitor. Set it to full access. Click Return and Save the Service Operation.


2- Navigate to PeopleTools>Security>Permission & Roles>Permission List. Enter the role permission list that is associated with the userid. Click on the Web Services Page and insert a row for the desired service operation. Click on Edit and assign full access. Click Ok and Save.

If the links or push buttons are still grayed out, then sign out, delete browser cache by going into Internet Explorer's Tools>Internet Options and deleting files. Close browser. Then reopen browser and sign in.


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