Think time error while trying to call COBOL program from AE/CI:

Error:Think-time PeopleCode event (RemoteCall), but a SQL update has occurred in the commit interval. (2,148)

In PT 8.4x we need to follow a certain sequence prior to invoking the PushButton field. The basics on calling COBOL from AE/CI PeopleCode are as follows. Note that "tweaking" may be necessary to get it to work.

1. AE (Application Engine) must have Restart disabled so CommitWork() can be used to force a commit of the CI data to the database.
2. Set the CI's properties, except for the "PushButton" field (usually Y/N) used to kick off COBOL.
3. Save the CI (call Save()).
4. If Save is successful, call CommitWork().
5. Set the CI PushButton property (toggle it) to trigger the COBOL process.
6. COBOL will run asynchronously. So you usually need to put a dummy loop to wait until it's done processing. Adding a delay will help avoid having the next CI record "bump" into the COBOL process, and will give you additional time to perform post COBOL processing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. tried all these steps, still getting the same error.


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