How to configure SMTP in Peoplesoft?

In order to generate email messages then SMTP settings must be configured for both the Application Server as well as the Process schedulers. These settings are configured through the PSAPPSRV.CFG and PSPRCS.CFG file respectively.

; Settings for SMTP mail

SMTPServer=SMTP-01<---- name of your SMTP server (this can also be the IP address of the SMTP server)
SMTPPort=25 <---- port number for your server (usually will be 25) SMTPServer1=PSP-SMTPG-01 <----- name of backup server (not necessary) SMTPPort1=25 <---- backup server port number <----- Valid email ID format < (this can also be the IP address of the machine without the .com)
Note: This needs to be the machine name of the server being configured, Application or Process Scheduler, NOT THE NAME OF THE DATABASE YOU ARE CONNECTING TO.

The backup server is optional. It may be set up as a backup server to handle overflow of the primary server. If the primary server is overloaded or has simply gone down, the backup will takeover. SMTP will not try to resend any failed mail.


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