
Showing posts from 2014

Peoplesoft CFO Tool

Peoplesoft CFO (Cumulative Feature Overview tool) is online. Oracle provides a cumulative feature overview tool for PeopleSoft 9.2 to start your fit gap analysis.

Peoplesoft Component Processor Flow


Stop the Save warning

PeopleTools function SetSaveWarningFilter. SetSaveWarningFilter(True) disables the Save Warning while SetSaveWarningFilter(False) enables the Save Warning. This can also be achieved by setting to False the SetComponentChanged property of the rowset that was causing the issue. If  rowset is causing the issue then you should set the SetComponentChanged property to False since it makes for easier maintenance. The SetSaveWarningFilter option on the other hand, is more of a generic solution for cases where it’s difficult to find out exactly what is causing the issue.

Difference Between PeopleTools Version Control and Change Control

There is a feature in Application Designer called "Change Control" but that is different than Version Control.   Change Control locking is keyed by PeopleSoft user IDs. When a definition is locked, it cannot be modified by anyone other than the user ID who locked it, and it can be unlocked only by that same user or by a Change Control administrator. Locking Compared to Version Control Change Control locking is not the same as version control. With a version control system, you check out a copy of a definition and make your changes to the copy. After you check in the changed version, you can always undo your changes. This is not the case with change control locking. Locking a definition prevents other users from modifying it. However, any changes that you save are written directly to the database, overlaying or replacing the existing definition. There is no way to restore a previous version of a definition. There is NO delivered Version Control mechanism.

How to Copy the Index Override Value to another Database via Project Copy?

Indexes are an important part of your physical database because they affect the efficiency and speed with which your application can store and retrieve data. PeopleSoft application indexes are defined in two ways. Some indexes are defined for you automatically, based on the key, search key, list box items, and alternate search keys that you specified in your record definition. The application processor uses these indexes for quick access when you use the online system. However, sometimes you need to define additional indexes to improve the performance of demanding queries, reports, or batch programs. You define and modify these additional indexes using the data administration tools in PeopleSoft Application Designer. Now the question is how to copy over the override values of indexes while doing Copy Project. Following Settings are required to be done before copying the Projects so that the override values of indexes are copied over: 1. Open Application Designer. 2. Click on...

How to Copy Projects from One Database to Another?

Copying Projects There are two ways to copy projects to another database: · Copying a source project directly to a target database to which you are connected. · Copying a source project to a file and then copying the file to a target database. The Copy Project to File/from File is a new feature giving you more flexibility in moving PeopleTools objects and projects across databases. To move objects to another database, you copy objects to a target directory and files, instead of another database. The directory and files can be local or reside on a file server. These files then become the source in the Copy Project from File operation. Copying Projects to Target Database To copy a project: 1. Optionally, lock target database objects.  Before Application Designer replaces or deletes an object in the target database, it checks to see whether the object has a Change Control lock applied. If so, it will only take action on that object if the same operator ID that is performin...

Is jQuery certified for use with PIA?

jQuery is not supported by Oracle GCS as a customization to extend the user interface or branding experience.  It is mentioned in a separate white paper (see Note 1399586.1) that simply states that Integration Hub (formerly Applications Portal) supports common standards so that customers can extend the user interface or branding experience with various tools.  But as far as Oracle support goes, this is considered out of our scope. Aside from that, jQuery is used internally in several components including Tree Manager, Pivot Grids, and the Reporting Console in 8.53.

How to find the Java Version being used by WebLogic

1. Open the (On PT8.51 and lower, located in <PS_HOME>/webserv/<DOMAIN_NAME>/bin On PT8.52 and higher, located in <PS_CFG_HOME>/webserv/<DOMAIN_NAME>/bin) 2. Check JAVA_HOME variable if JAVA_HOME variable is commented out, Go to 3. set PS_HOME=C:/psft/ora/pt849 set BEA_HOME=C:/Bea set WL_HOME=c:/bea/weblogic92 set DOMAIN_NAME=peoplesoft1  @REM Set Javahome via commEnv.cmd call %WL_HOME%\common\bin\commEnv.cmd >nul 2>nul  @REM JAVA_HOME is set via, to override set it here. SET JAVA_HOME=%BEA_HOME%\jdk150_1 3. If JAVA_HOME variable is commented out, JAVA_HOME is set via Open the (located in <WL_HOME>/common/bin) and check JAVA_HOME @rem Reset JAVA Home set  JAVA_HOME=c:\bea\jrockit_150_12 FOR %%i IN ("%JAVA_HOME%") DO SET JAVA_HOME=%%~fsi 4. Go to directory path specified by JAVA_HOME. Run "java -version" command. -bash-3.2$ ./bin/java -ve...

Oracle Data Masking Page on PeopleTools 8.53 release

On PT8.53 what is "Oracle Data Masking " feature as mentioned under “Main Menu > PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Oracle Data Masking > Data Masking Summary” page ? As Per Oracle Support... The "Oracle Data Masking " feature was originally planned with Peoplesoft apps 9.2 release templates . But due to some development reasons this feature did not release with apps 9.2 release and the Tools structure or pages went with PT8.53 release . This feature is pending with apps development and as of now this page will not work , so there is no documentation available on PeopleBooks . You can hide this pages related to "Oracle Data Masking " , as this is not yet delivered . On next Apps release the development is targeting the same and accordingly the documentation will be delivered .

Does PeopleSoft Integration Broker Support REST Based Services

Since PeopleTools 8.52 (released in October 2011) Integration Broker does support REST based services.

Error retrieving Application Engine XXX.MAIN component: Step Step01, PeopleCode (108,502)

This is a common issue when migrating AE programs from one environment to another. Below  are steps and recommendations to help avoid this type of error. 1. When migrating an Application Engine (AE) program to a new environment, create a Project in Application Designer. 2. To insert the AE into the project select “Insert > Insert Definitions into Project”. 3. Then select Application Engine programs from the types. 4. Enter the AE program name. 5. Select "All Related Definitions", and press “Insert”. 6. Include all related Library/Function, Records/Fields and their PeopleCode if any. Note:  If any external functions are referenced by the AE program PeopleCode, be sure to manually include the library records (Function library), along with the fields, PeopleCode, etc., into the project before exporting the project. 7. Export the project from the source system. 8. Import the project into the target system. 9. Clear the appropriate cache in the target sy...

What Tables Store Application Engine SQL and PeopleCode?

SELECT * FROM PSPCMPROG WHERE OBJECTVALUE7 LIKE 'OnExecute%' PSSQLTEXTDEFN Contains all SQL objects in the database.  The following SELECT will show all entries for AE programs. SELECT * FROM PSSQLTEXTDEFN WHERE SQLID like '%Step%' The following SQL will show the program name, last update time, and last user to update the program. SELECT AE_APPLID, LASTUPDOPRID, LASTUPDDTTM FROM PSAEAPPLDEFN ORDER BY LASTUPDDTTM

How to find which user modified the a particuler Record.Field.Event Peoplecode?

Run the following SQL in database of the instance in which you want to find which user modified the a particuler Record.Field.Event Peoplecode SELECT objectvalue1 record_name, objectvalue2 field_name,        objectvalue3 peoplecode_event, lastupddttm, lastupdoprid   FROM pspcmprog  WHERE objectvalue1 = :record_name    AND objectvalue2 = :field_name    AND UPPER (objectvalue3) = UPPER (:peoplecode_event);

how Portal registry objects can be migrated from one database to another.

The Project definition types are : Portal Registry Structures Portal Registry Definitions The Project definition type you want to copy are Portal Registry Structures. The Portal Registry Structures contain the types: Folders and Content References.  These are selectable by the Object name (The Object name is the key field PORTAL_OBJNAME as listed in the PSPRSMDEFN table with the PORTAL_REFTYPE being 'C' or 'F' for Content reference or folder.  This table also lists the parent folder of each of the PORTAL_OBJNAME in the column PORTAL_PRNTOBJNAME.) When you insert a folder into an Upgrade Project, you can also include the children of that folder.  It will pick up all the child folders and all the content references in all the child folders. Or you can just insert the folder. When you insert a Content Reference, you can include the templates.  This will include the templates assigned to that given content reference. If you have a lot of content reference...

Journal Approval Workflow Allows Self Approval

Journal Approval Workflow Allows Self Approval When Allow-Self Approval Is Not Checked And There Is Only One Level Of Approval Version: PeopleSoft Enterprise FIN General Ledger - Version 8.4 to 9 [Release 8.4 to 9] Workflow Type: Virtual Approver Solution: The workflow functionality works based on roles and not individual users. You must have at least 2 levels to use the allow self approve unchecked option to work. 

How to download images to files from database using PeopleCode

The code below will download images to files. Local File &FILE; Local Record &REC; Local SQL &SQL; &REC = CreateRecord(Record.EMPL_PHOTO); &SQL = CreateSQL("%SelectAll(:1)", Record.EMPL_PHOTO); &FILE = GetFile("C:\temp\EMPL_PHOTO.GIF", "w", "a", %FilePath_Absolute); While &SQL1.Fetch(&REC)    &FILE.WriteRaw(&REC.EMPLOYEE_PHOTO.Value); End-While; &FILE.Close();