
Showing posts from May, 2011

Where does log file sits after clicking Generatelog checkbox in Exceltoci

The Exceltocixxx.log and SOAPTOCIxxx.log are generated if he selects the Generate Log checkbox in ExcelToCI. i. SOAPTOCIxxx.log – By default this log is created in the app server's "files" directory (below the app server domain), but it may be in another location on the application server machine. The xxx is the timestamp appended to the file name. This log shows the PeopleCode execution path in the SOAPTOCI application package . ii. ExcelToCIxxx.log – By default this log is created in user’s Temp directory. The xxx is the timestamp appended to the file name. To determine the location where your Temp directory is mapped to do the following. On the client machine’s desktop right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select Properties. Then select the “Advanced” tab and click on “Environment Variables”. Locate the Temp (or tmp) variable mappings (it may be C:\Temp or some other location). This is normally where the ExcelToCIxxx log is placed.

Error: Think-time PeopleCode event (Exec), but a SQL update has occurred in the commit interval.

Think-time PeopleCode event (Exec), but a SQL update has occurred in the commit interval. Faced above error after tools upgrade. Custom Application Engine (AE) program. PeopleCode step uses Exec() function with the intention of Syncronous execution of the command. When the AE runs it failed with this, or similar Think-Time error; Solution: There are Restrictions on Use of the Exec() Funtion in PeopleCode Events - and there is also a Restriction in Application Engine programs. This is based on whether the execute of the external program is Synchronous, or Asynchronous. If Asynchronous execution is selected - the execution is not 'tied' directly to the continuing execution of the running AE program, so no Think-time error results from this choice. With Synchronous execution it is different - the AE program will wait for the exectution of the command before continuing with the current process. In order for this to work with no error - a Commit has to happen before the Exec ...

What does 'Cycles=' refer to within a PeopleCode Trace?

When capturing a PeopleCode trace of a user action, a logged message containing 'Cycles=' can be seen at the end of each PeopleCode event. What does this 'Cycles=' variable refer to? Example: PSAPPSRV.459188 1-413095 08.39.48 0.000128 <<< end-ext Nest=01 SavePunchGrid FUNCLIB_TL_PNCH.TR_PUNCH_FUNC.FieldFormula Dur=6.206963 CPU=4.770000 Cycles=65086 The 'Cycles=' variable is a counter for loops around the PeopleCode interpreter. It is a measure of how much PeopleCode the program is executing. This Cycles count is only updated when tracing or debugging has been turned on. In a general sense a high 'Cycles=' value in a PC trace, can be used as a simple guide in determining how expensive that PeopleCode event is. A high Cycles count would likely indicate a good place to start, when tuning a poorly performing user request.