
Showing posts from June, 2010

How to configure SMTP in Peoplesoft?

In order to generate email messages then SMTP settings must be configured for both the Application Server as well as the Process schedulers. These settings are configured through the PSAPPSRV.CFG and PSPRCS.CFG file respectively. ;=============================================================== ; Settings for SMTP mail ;=============================================================== SMTPServer=SMTP-01 SMTPPort=25 . .com (this can also be the IP address of the machine without the .com) Note: This needs to be the machine name of the server being configured, Application or Process Scheduler, NOT THE NAME OF THE DATABASE YOU ARE CONNECTING TO. The backup server is optional. It may be set up as a backup server to handle overflow of the primary server. If the primary server is overloaded or has simply gone down, the backup will takeover. SMTP will not try to resend any failed mail.

How to delete multiple Process Instances at once??

Many users have wanted the ability to delete multiple Process Instances from the Process Monitor without having to look at the details for each and every Process Instance. To use this functionality, navigate to the Process Monitor and select the necessary filters you would like to use. In addition, choose a RUNSTATUS you would like to delete from, and upon doing a refresh, you will notice a change in the looks of the Process Monitor page. Two things should be significantly different: 1) The check boxes next to each Process Instance will have become 'ungreyed' 2) Three Yellow buttons will have become active on the bottom of the screen: DELETE REQUEST, CANCEL REQUEST, and HOLD REQUEST. Attached to this solution are screen shots showing the panel changes. If the described functionality above does not work for you, please consult your PeopleSoft Security Administrator and make sure your PeopleSoft ID has the necessary access to perform the DELETE function. If you are a PeopleSoft ...

How to delete Process Definition?

To delete Process definition from database, you have to delete in from all the tables given below and it is not possible to do from PeopleSoft's pages/panels. PS_PRCSDEFN PS_PRCSDEFNCNTDIST PS_PRCSDEFNBPNL PS_PRCSDEFNGRP PS_PRCSDEFNXFER PS_PRCSDEFNNOTIFY PS_PRCSDEFNMETA PS_PRCSDEFNMESSAGE PS_PRCSDEFNCOND

How to program the Application Engine to return warning status to process scheduler?

To program the Application Engine to return warning status to process scheduler:- Perform the below to set the AE_APPSTATUS field properly, in order to return the warning status to process scheduler after the AE finish. 1. Create an AET record for your application engine (AE) program if it does not have any, set it as primary state record 2. Add the field AE_APPSTATUS to the primary state record for your application engine program 3. In the AE program, create a peoplecode action, use the below code to set and return the warning status back to process scheduler accordingly. rem set to 1 to return warning, 0 to return success. AET_RECORD.AE_APPSTATUS = 1;

Peoplesoft Error: All Processing Suspended: Restart OPRID=PS, RUNID=RUN01, PI=5000(108,503)

All Processing Suspended: Restart OPRID=PS, RUNID=RUN01, PI=5000(108,503) What is this about and what should be done? This error can occur when Application Engine programs are restartable and run via the Process Scheduler, and the last run was No Success - And an attempt re-run, rather than re-start will produce error as well The cause of this message is that previously this same AE program was run using the same OPRID=PS & RUNID=RUN01. It was not Successful on initial run, and now an attempt to RUN the same program has occurred, instead of an attempt to RESTART the original that failed. Whether this error Happened in Development??? This message happened while the Customer was in Development phase of this AE program. It could have happened when this AE was in Production as well. However, what to do would have completely different emphasis depending on if this happens in Development or Productions. During the development cycle, we would expect that this AE would have to run many tim...