

For most of the New ERP aspirants, before getting expertise in CODING/FUNCTIONALITY they should be aware of DO’s and DONTs in ERP. Let’s cover one by one. Whether ERP may be Peoplesoft/SAP/Workday or anything below rule applies. RULE 1: Don’t directly update Database Why we should not do? For this, we need to have an understanding of ERP Architecture. Most of them are three Tier architecture: Presentation Layer/Application Layer and DB Any Transaction Should cross Application server where the LOGIC resides . IF you Miss the logic there will be chances of Data mismatch between tables. Data Consistency is MORE important. If you directly update tables you may MISS other tables. Also, you may end up entering some Junk values for the table. You have to be careful when the tables/fields you update have dependencies or are dependant on, data in on other tables. IF you cross via App server, Logic will take care of everything. IF YOU WANT TO PERFORM DML FOR SOME R...

Peoplesoft PO Delete using DB script

Please use below tables to delete PO using back end or via delete script The system deletes records from these tables when you delete a purchase order: PO_HDR PO_LINE PO_LINE_SHIP PO_LINE_DISTRIB PO_LINE_DIST_NP PO_COMMENTS PO_APPROVAL PO_VAL_ADJ PO_DFLT_TBL PO_ADDR_TBL PO_LN_SHIP_MTCH PO_FRT_SET PO_FRT_CHRG PO_EST_SHIP PO_LN_SHIP_SUT PO_LN_SHIP_SUTD PO_LN_SHIP_EXS PO_LN_SHIP_EXSD PO_LN_DIST_EXS PO_HDR_EXS

Using Unions in DYNAMIC View - Peoplesoft

When using a dynamic view as a prompt PeopleSoft passes the search keys through automatically and appends to he view's SQL. It is not entirely clear sometimes exactly how it is appending to the SQL but it attempts to determine where to add the brackets, sometimes unsuccessfully. This is largely unsuccessful when the dynamic view is a union, it attempts to put brackets in, somewhere. The trick is to wrap the entire union/clause as a kind of subselect: SELECT FIELD_A, FIELD_B, FIELD_C FROM ( SELECT A.FIELD_A, A.FIELD_B, B.FIELD_C FROM TABLE_A A, TABLE B B WHERE B.FIELD_A = A.FIELD_A UNION SELECT C.FIELD_A, C.FIELD_B, C.FIELD_C FROM TABLE C WHERE C.FIELD_A = 'X' AND C.OPRID = %OperatorID ) Note the entire statement is wrapped in brackets making it simple for PeopleSoft to append to the SQL

PeopleSoft Integration Broker support for JSON

Does Oracle/PeopleSoft Integration Broker have support for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) message format? In PeopleTools 8.40-8.51, Integration Broker does not provide a way via the framework to provide and consume JSON. In PeopleTools 8.52, the REST architecture makes it easier to support formats such as JSON, but still no framework generator/consumer. Since PeopleTools 8.53 and on (8.54, ...) JSON is produced and consumed via Peoplesoft Documents and is seamlessly used within a REST Service.

Cloud... Basic Understanding

What is the Cloud? Technically speaking the cloud is hosted storage and computing services hosted over the internet. There are basically 3 types of cloud:  public, private and hybrid. The Public Cloud, such as provided by Oracle for example, is storage and processing power shared among many customers.  It is elastic, meaning customers can expand or reduce the amount of storage and computing power as needed.  Typically customers subscribe by paying for what they need on a scheduled basis, much as they do with their utilities such as electricity or water.  The private cloud is typically used when a customer wants the power and benefits of the cloud without sharing the resources with other customers.  It is dedicated to just that customer.  Private cloud may be hosted in the customers own data center or at a provider’s facility and May still be managed by the cloud vendor.  The billing cycle may be similar to public cloud but more expensi...

PeopleSoft Integration Broker - Support for JSON

Does Oracle/PeopleSoft Integration Broker have support for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) message format? In PeopleTools 8.40-8.51, Integration Broker does not provide a way via the framework to provide and consume JSON. In PeopleTools 8.52, the REST architecture makes it easier to support formats such as JSON, but still no framework generator/consumer. Since PeopleTools 8.53 and on (8.54, ...) JSON is produced and consumed via Peoplesoft Documents and is seamlessly used within a REST Service.

Why PeopleSoft 9.2 - Part 1

With a plethora of new features and technology updates, PeopleSoft 9.2 + PeopleTools 8.54 will certainly bring in a lot of value to your PeopleSoft investment. Let’s discuss top 9.2 advantages one by one (as simple as possible) PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM):  We have all heard about it but not too sure what it does. PUM, simply put, is a tool that equips you with selective adoption capabilities that PeopleSoft provides. It is a tool that allows the PeopleSoft customers to pick and choose only the updates and bug fixes that they require. It’s almost like shopping online where you can search, analyze, review and select the product that you like, add to your shopping cart and check out. And the exciting part is the frequent delivery of PUM images, which are released every 3 months or so. Now, you do not have to wait for years before bringing in a new feature, enhancement or fixes to your PeopleSoft environment. It’s Simple, It’s flexible and it saves you a ...